Requirements | VA Loans For Vets | Page 7 of 7


2 Documents that a Veteran Must Have when Applying for a VA Home Loan.

Many Veterans know that serving honorably in the military offers benefits of different varieties. However, what a lot of veterans do not know is how to take advantage of them, or even where to start. The VA Home Loan is...
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The 2 Forms Needed on the VA Home Loan

The VA Home Loan requires 2 forms. The DD-214 and the VA Certificate of eligibility. Simple enough right? Wrong. These 2 forms have caused much confusion for Veterans when applying for the VA Home Loan. First we will take a...
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2019 VA Loan Limits in Arizona

VA loans are designed to make it easier for current service members and military veterans to qualify for buying a house. Since these loans are offered to anyone who fits the eligibility requirements, you get to enjoy benefits such as...
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How Long Does It Take to Get VA Loan Approval?

One of the most common concerns veterans have when buying a home through a Veterans Affairs (VA) loan is: how long does it take to get va loan approval? Because there are so many processes to consider, the answer is...
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VA Loan Occupancy Guidelines

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides a home loan guaranty benefit that gives service members several advantages for buying a house. The options of skipping a down payment and paying for mortgage insurance are privileges that come with a...
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2018 VA Loan Limits in Arizona

Big news for 2018 VA Loan Limits in Arizona. They have gone up, yet again! 2018 Arizona VA Loan Limits for Maricopa County have increased from $424,100 (2017) up to $453,100 with no money down. This means Veterans and Active Duty...
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